Thursday 15 November 2012

Week 9: What to Expect

Mon. Nov. 19th:
* Human Nature Presentation
* Poetry Practice
* Abstract Poetry Placemat activity
* Words of the Week
* Poet "Sell-Off" Project introduced and organized: Due Thursday
* Choose from Langston Hughes, Charles Bukowski, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwood, Pablo Neruda

Tues. Nov. 20th:
* Human Nature Presentations
* Poet "Sell-Off" Creation in C126

Wed. Nov. 21st:
* Human Nature Presentation
* Words of the Week
* Complete Poet "Sell-Off"
* Poetry Terms Test

Thurs. Nov. 22nd:
* Poet Sell-Off Share
* Complete outline and arguments for Poetry Compare/Contrast Test Tomorrow

Fri. Nov. 23rd:
* Vocab Quiz
* Poetry Synthesis Written Test
* Portfolio work

Have a Great Long Weekend before your Work Experience! See you "out in the world"!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Week 8: What to Expect

Mon. Nov. 12th: Remembrance Day Holiday
School is Not in Session

Tues. Nov. 13th:
* Human Nature Presentations
* Words of the Week
* Complete Literature Circles questions and discussion
* Class share, and (time pending) role play activity

Wed. Nov. 14th & Thurs. Nov. 15th:
* Class exploration of Schindler's List: What vision of humanity does it showcase? How does it compare and contrast to Elie Wiesel's Night?

Thursday afternoon: C127 exploring ecphrastic poetry and creating your own

Fri. Nov. 16th:
* Human Nature Presentations
* Share your ecphrastic poems
* Individual exploration of William Blake's "The Lamb" and "The Tyger"
* Modelled synthesis response class-created
* Reviews for Poetry Final distributed
* Terms Test next Wed (21st) and Written Test next Friday (23rd)

Have a Great Weekend!

Saturday 3 November 2012

Week 7: What to Expect

Mon. Nov. 5th:
* "Finding Yourself in the Lyrics": Share some of yourself, pick apart a lyric of your life, bring some melodious poetry to start our week
* Make sure you've read Chapter 1 & 2 of Night

Tues. Nov. 6th:
* Exploring, defining and understanding juxtaposition

* Independent read and analyse Chapter 3 of Night: Juxtaposition chart due tomorrow
* Our first Human Nature Presentations! Be Ready
* Class read of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Document 2 examples of irony: What is Elie Wiesel trying to communicate?

Wed. Nov. 7th:
* Human Nature Presentations
* Class read Chapter 6. Independently Read Chapter 7 & 8. Complete Reader Response Journal. Due Tomorrow
* Group matching competition for poetic devices: What do you know? What is new? What do you need to learn?
* Class dissect "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes

* Independent dissection of poem. Choose one father to daughter poem and dissect it like a poetic surgeon. Michael Ondaatje's "To a Sad Daughter" or Fleur Adcock's "For Heidi with Blue Hair." Poem Dissection Due tomorrow 

Thurs. Nov. 8th:
* Human Nature Presentations
* Computer Lab time C126: Complete 2nd Work Placement Request Forms
* Remembrance Day Assembly after lunch
* Class read Chapter 9-11. Meet with Lit Circle groups and decide role. Be ready with discussion questions and ideas for Lit Circles Tuesday.

Fri. Nov. 9th: 
Professional Development Day: School not in session

Have a Great Long Weekend! 

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Work Experience Learning and School Learning

There's often a seeming dichotomy between "the real world" and school. Now that you've experienced your first placement consider the learning in both and the transference.

1.) How is the learning on your work placement different from the learning in a school setting?

2.) What did you learn on your work placement that you bring back with you into school?

3.) What have you learnt through your formal schooling that you brought into your work placement?

4.) What have you "taken away" from work experience?

Remember, when commenting, respond in complete sentences to all 4 questions. Please edit. This is a public forum, what you say, and how you say it matter!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Week 6: What to Expect

Mon. Oct. 29th: Work Experience

Tues. Oct. 30th: Work Experience

* Welcome Back Share!
* Write and Publish Thank You Letter
* Post Work Experience Learning Response to Hum Coop Blog: How is work experience learning different from school learning? What skills have you learnt in school transferred to work experience and vice versa? What do you "take away" from your work experience?
* Holocaust Power Point and class discussion

* Complete Forward and Preface response to our novel Night

Thurs. Nov. 1st:
* Class read Chapter 1
* Considering Our Human Nature? Do you agree with Rousseau or Hobbes?
* Human Nature presentation sign-up. You are responsible for your own presentation slot, so make a note of it and start examining our world.
* Complete Chapter 2 of Night.
* "My Voice" opening poetry exploration

*"Finding Yourself in the Lyrics" introduced

Fri. Nov. 2nd:
* Week 3 & 4 Vocab Quiz
* Complete "Finding Yourself in the Lyrics." Present on Monday! So Excited.

Have a great weekend!

Remember When

I got the video from Matheson on the Move, thought maybe you guys would like a reminder of sunnier times when you all competed/connected before venturing out to your work experiences. Click the link below to see the slide show

You are making Matheson proud all over the Lower Mainland working everywhere from animal rescue facilities to Community outreach programs, from Grade 1 classrooms to Surrey Crime Prevention Voluntary Policing. Way to go gang!

Friday 28 September 2012

What Writing Is

As you are bleeding, sweating, and wrestling with your mind for the right words, just remember that many have fought this hard-won battle and emerged triumphant. Here is what they had to say about the writing process. Who do you think is the most correct? Who said it best?

Week 5: What to Expect

Mon. Oct. 1st:
* Words of the Week
* "Show Don't Tell" activity
* Check Out the excellent "Write to Done: article How to Show (Not Tell)
* Complete your Personal Narrative Outline
* Begin crafting your Personal Narrative Draft

Tues. Oct. 2nd:
* What is dialogue? How do I use it well? Check out How to Create Excellent Dialogue in Your Writing
* Write. Write. Write.
* Pen to Paper. Craft your Personal Narrative Draft

Wed. Oct. 3rd:
* Co-op Community Building. Ms. Binning and myself have some activities planned so we can have some fun and come together before you go out into your work experiences next week
* Complete Draft
* Peer conference and edit support

Thurs. Oct 4th:
* Revisions
* See the great article for your revisions (which is the most important stage!): How to Write Better: 7 Instant Fixes
* Computer Lab C126: Type up your good copy

Fri. Oct. 5th:
* Self-Evaluation of your hard work
* Hand in your (brilliant, I'm sure) Personal Narratives
* Week 3 & 4 Vocab Quiz
* Portfolio. What was a first? What has potential? What would you burn?

Thursday 20 September 2012

Week 4: What to Expect

Mon. Sept. 24th: Professional Development Day. School is not in session.

Tues. Sept. 25th:
* World Host Workshop* Arrive in English class for attendance and info, then workshop begins in library.
* Workshop will run from 8:45am-2 pm (approx.) Coffee break and lunch included in this time frame.

Wed. Sept. 26th:
* Terry Fox Run before lunch
* After lunch: Short Story literary terms quiz. Short Story Literary Reading and Response Test. In-Class write similar to the practice modeled in class ("A Bedtime Story").
* Study class notes and feedback on your idea development, P.E.E. and personal editing issues. Here's helpful links for preparation: Exam Prep Flash Cards print and audio playbackThe Ultimate Practice Exam Site. Complete practice readings, examine writing samples and answer keys

Thur. Sept. 27th:
* Story in film analysis: Edward Scissor Hands
* Check out the trailer

* Complete week 3 vocabulary: Checked in class tomorrow

Fri. Sept. 28th:
* Examine past students' narratives. You'll be creating your own masterpieces next week.
* Collaboratively create criteria for "what makes a good narrative?"
* Class explore Narrative Essentials
* "Metaphors and Similes Through the Eyes of an English Teacher": an activity of the good, the bad, the funny from past students' experiments in figurative language
* Week 3 vocabulary checked

Corrections Community

This came across my path, and it reminded me of you all on the hunt. Seek. Find. Fix:

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Your Action Plan

You know you, and through the help of the Self-Directed Search, you've examined your preferences, qualities, and career suggestions more closely. So lets be honest, what do you foresee to be a weakness in your first Work Experience and what is your action plan to remedy the issue?

1.) What is your potentially biggest struggle going to be? For example, transportation, taking initiative and stepping up without being asked, staying off your cell-phone/ipod, arriving every day 5 minutes before you start work, speaking confidently with colleagues, etc., etc. Be honest and state what your biggest hurdle will be.

2.) How are you going to remedy it? Be specific. Be clear. What support systems will you use. What timing or routine adjustments? Who will assist you and how? What are you going to do? Remember, in the working world standards of excellence are the bare minimum. You are expected to be mature, responsible and accountable for all of your behaviour and work habits.

Check out Career-Success-For-Newbies for some helpful tips and suggestions.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Week 3: What to Expect

Mon. Sept. 17th:
* Skill Builder Opening
* Enjoy your group's Literature Circle: Discuss, debate, question, illustrate, and share class-wide
* Hand in Role Sheet

*Computer Lab C126 Period 2:
*Edit Resume and Cover Letter (if edits necessary) and print 4 copies. Mock Interviews Thursday!
* Respond to "Action Plan" on class site.
* Fill in Work Placement Request Forms

Tues. Sept. 18th:
* Words of the Week
* "Gentlemen Your Verdict" Class read/dissect
* Period 2: C126- Work Placement Research. Complete placement requests.

Wed. Sept. 19th:
* Steps Towards a New World Role Play Activity: Will You Survive?
* Independent read of "A Bedtime Story" and plan response. Class model/collaboration tomorrow
* Post to Hum Coop Blog: Work Experience Action Plan. 
**Meet the Teacher Night. Early Dismissal for students at 1:55pm**

Thursday. Sept. 20th:
* MOCK INTERVIEWS: Arrive in style, prepared and 5 minutes before scheduled interview. Bring resume and cover letter*
* "Corrections Community" outlined. Find the worst offenders in your Twitter, Facebook, blogs, your own writing? Complete and be ready to teach us next week (Friday). See the funny examples below. What you say, and how you say it most definitely matter

* Class modeled literary response
* Read "Silence" and discuss. What vision of humanity is presented?

Friday. Sept. 21st:
* Week 1 & 2 vocab quiz.
* Human Nature response
* Revise and Edit each others' response. What would they receive on the 6 point scale? Be the teacher

Friday 7 September 2012

Week 2: What to Expect

Monday, Sept. 10th:
* Jesus' Son viewing. We will be comparing and contrasting the song's portrayal of the protagonist to the story's portrayal, to Hollywood's portrayal.
* Point of View Quiz. 4 questions, just like the practice. Show what you know, and spelling counts.
* SDS: Self-Directed Search. You will be diving into yourself. We're going to figure out what you value, what you want in your future, what activities interest you or that you hate, and we're going to pair you with potential career interests.

See the complete Jesus' Son trailer below, but we'll be viewing just our chapter, "Work":

Tuesday, Sept. 11th:
* SDS Response. Pick apart what it said about you. Is it accurate? Completely off the mark? What do you think?
* Vocabulary introduced. Skill-builder routine. Words of the Week
* Portfolio finishing: Images, labels, prep to tape/protect

Wednesday, Sept. 12th:
* Welcome Back Assembly
* Explore irony
* Read and relish "Once Upon a Time" by Nadine Gortimer
* Complete the most challenging analysis questions you'll ever answer :)

Thursday, Sept. 13th:
*Computer Lab (C126) for log into Edmodo class site and Work Experience assignment explanation
* Create your resume and cover letter for mock interviews and work placements
* Complete "Once Upon a Time" analysis and hand in
* Complete portfolio and hand in 

Friday, Sept. 14th:
* Types of Character
* Explanation of Lit Circles, role sheets
* In reading groups read and discuss "The Most Dangerous Game." Lit Circles and class debate next week
* Week 1 Vocabulary due

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Do schools kill creativity?

Now that we've heard and seen Sir Ken's argument about the education system we need to know, what do you think?

1.) What did you agree with? What did you disagree with? Why. Explain your thoughts on the ideas presented.

2.) Where do you see yourself in the education system in your future? Post-Secondary? Independent studies? travel? different type of learning?

Remember: Write in full thoughts, and respond to each other's ideas thoughtfully

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Week 1

It was such a pleasure meeting you all today! I'm thoroughly excited to start our journey together. This is what you can expect this week:

Wed. Sept. 5th: 
* What do you love/hate about English? Paper ball toss
* Class created constitution
* "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" Critical exploration and response

Homework: Get your posterboard. Bring your images, quotes for tomorrow. Explore class website and helpful links

Thurs. Sept. 6th:
* Short Story Key Concepts
* Practice with terms
* Portfolio Creation

Friday. Sept. 7th:
* P.E.E. writing formula introduction & group music P.E.E. challenge
* Point of View review and practice (4 point quiz Monday be ready)
* "Heroin" song analysis (below with lyrics)
* "Work" guided read

Have a great weekend! Keep adding to your spectacular portfolios.

Thursday 30 August 2012

What Are Your Favourites?

English 11 is a fabulous course filled with challenging and enriching stories, but I want you to think back to when you were a child, a young, or more recent book worm. What books won you over?

For me Robert Munsch's Love You Forever will always tug my heart strings. It was given to me by my parents when I was young. They read it to me at bedtime for years, and it still sits sacred on my bedroom bookshelf.

What books have been your favourites? What books were a part of your childhood or have been pure enjoyment or revelation since then?


Welcome Coop Community! I hope your summer was full of rest, rejuvenation and adventure. It's going to be a memorable school year full of new experiences and opportunities. Ms. Binning and I can't wait to work with you, laugh with you, and learn with you. Let the Coop experience begin.